You have traveled 20 hours over 2 days driving to the South. Scratch that- to the back country of Tennessee. After sitting in hours of traffic, you exit your nice air-conditioned car and have to pitch your tent before dark. Even though it's 4 o'clock, the 100 degree sun still gets to you, really quickly. But you know the faster your tents are set up, the faster you can enjoy some shade. So you do it. Fast. And now, you're dripping sweat, exhausted and in serious need of a cold beverage.
You stop to rest and realize it's only Thursday night of Bonnaroo.
As you trudge on through the heat, your hours become days, and you start going crazy. You start doing... dun, dun, dun... math equations
Exhaustion x 4
Heat x 2
Delirium x 15
= Saturday afternoon
What could you use more than anything? A nice, cold booth and something fresh: like a new hair-do.
That's exactly what Garnier provided over the 4-day festival. A (literally) cool place you could go and chill, "sing in the shower", and get a new cut to complement that fresh, clean head of hair.