Friday, December 4, 2009

Fast Just Got a Little Lazier

Why do we love fast food so much? It can't be pure quality or dining experience. It's not because it's cheap (there's no dollar menu here). It's not because it's fast (most items are made to order). We like fast food, not because we want it fast, but because we like things to be easy.

The fast food in Bangkok allows for an easier time: Fast food delivery. It might be the greatest thing since, well, fast food.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Talk about a new stance about global warming. All political and personal views aside, I like that this buzz word has taken on a new meaning in Heineken ads. People are all about living "green," buying grocery bags from recycled materials, and wearing clothes reminding people to recycle, etc. But would anyone actually sacrifice a cold beer for the sake of the environment? Probably not. Thank you Heineken for helping us survive global warming!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Branding in a 3rd World Country

What is a Lexus? Go to Cambodia and you'll see.

Crossing over from the Thai border into Cambodia is a major moment. You think, "I've really just entered a 3rd world country." People are pulling large carts filled with items to sell, something you'd expect during the 1890's in any major city. Naked toddlers are running through the streets and playing in mud. Elephants are, unlike the States, used for transporting goods.

But then we arrived in Siem Reap, which is possibly the richest place (relatively) in all of Cambodia. Although tuk-tuks, motorbikes and taxis cover the road, there are sporadic sightings of Lexus SUVs. But it's not the sight of a Lexus that is the spectacle; it's the branding decals.

Entering this country, I never would have thought an 8-year old child would know what a Lexus was. I was wrong.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Isn't the whole point of an advertising campaign uniformity?

Take Coors for example. Great branding campaign: the blue mountains.

The biggest let-down? A luke-warm beer... when all you want is a cold, refreshing beer to, literally, chill out. That's why the blue mountains are a clever way to let the consumer know they are getting what they want.

I've seen Coors implement this campaign on their packaging (bottles and cans) for awhile now, but the other day I saw a great addition: Coors glasses. There is a new bar/eatery in downtown Waco that opened recently: Square Bar. I went with my boyfriend to watch a Celtics playoff game, and two friends joined us after half-time. They ordered Coors, and the beer arrived in beautifully branded Coors cups with blue mountains, signifying its cold, crisp taste.

I've been amazed by this ever since.

Until today. When all of my excitement went down the tube after seeing a Coors truck outside Viteks. It lacked the blue mountains and left me utterly disappointed.

Friday, March 27, 2009

"The Hint"

Setting: You're about to graduate, and your long-time sweetheart hasn't proposed to you.

a. Grow up for awhile and then consider marriage.
b. Propose to him

Really?! Do people actually do things like that?!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Greatest Nike Commercial (circa 2006)

I forgot how much this commercial made me laugh. I hope it brings lots of laughter to your day.

HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get your booty to the gym

This is one way to say it...

(Fitness First, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bachelor

I have never watched either of these shows (Bachelor/ Bachelorette), yet somehow facebook has made me want to watch 'The Bachelor' by providing viral marketing for this show.

For three hours after the show, my friends were updating their statuses like crazy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tough Times

I'm excited to see how advertising will change in the next year or so, specifically due to the economic downturn. Ad agencies and marketing firms will be forced to stretch their dollars... and hopefully engage in interesting guerilla tactics.

To the streets!!!

A few months ago Burger King dropped wallets on Chicago streets.
-Map containing Burger King locations
-GIft card to Burger King
-A Burger King ID
-A Burger King sticker
-Cash ($1-$100)
-A pack of gum (Not really, but it would have been a nice touch!)

Get it, King...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Talking about my generation

When Dad used to work for Pepsi, every time we said "Coke" we had to say "Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi" as if to redeem ourselves. I grew up on Pepsi, and honestly never knew anything other than Mountain Dew, Mug Root Beer, Orange Slice...

Drastic change in college. I started drinking only Coca-Cola. I would even ask at restaurants if they served Coke or Pepsi products.

Server: We sell Pepsi.
Me: I'll have a water.

Just before the Super Bowl, Pepsi launched a whole new campaign. They redesigned the Pepsi logo, packaging, and most importantly (to me, at least) the commercials. I DVRed the Super Bowl so I could re-watch the Pepsi ads. And my favorite...

What a terrific re-branding job since TBWA's acquisition of Pepsi's American account. May I have a Pepsi?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snuggie... Sales of 4 million units?!

I heard it on the news. I didn't believe it, so I did further research. And there it was: the first link on google. To Ad Age. It's legit. Hard to believe, but so serious.

The Snuggie commercials have become a favorite between my friends and me. People around in a circle... roasting marshmallows. Looks like some freaky cult. Oh, and my favorite- at a sporting event. Will the day ever come where I'll see the Snuggie in action in a public place? Of course I sent out a mass text "Just in: the snuggie has sold 4 million units!!!!!!!!!!!"

Expected responses: "hahaha" "no way" "that thing actually sold?!"

Actual response: Good to know! My mom bought 5...

The Snuggie is infiltrating my life. (If you, also, need proof)